carolwarrener Publish time 22-11-2019 06:46:13

too racist for me

I used to really enjoy this situation COMEDY but now it seems to be more of a documentary on the black culture. Maybe it should be in the documentary category not the situation comedy. It is really too bad, I thought this was going to be another Modern Family. There's plenty of talent in this program. I just am bored to death with the constant oppressive subject matter. When I watch a sit-com I want it to be light and fluffy not dark and gloomy with an occasional funny spot. Also, I could have said this in the first 2 lines. Why are 10 lines required? Is the purpose of the show to entertain or to express the writers feelings about the black culture?

score 2/10

carolwarrener 14 January 2017


A._M Publish time 22-6-2020 11:54:05

u have to be one of the dumbest people on planet earth.. Black people cant be racist

James_Sentance Publish time 19-11-2020 14:37:48

A._M replied at 19:37,Nov 19,2020
u have to be one of the dumbest people on people can't be racist?? Hahahaha please tell me your joking?? Black people are some of the most racist people I have ever come across!

Tom_Williams_i8u5 Publish time 14-1-2021 19:25:12

A._M replied at 00:25,Jan 15,2021
u have to be one of the dumbest people on you took stupidity to a new level

A._M Publish time 16-1-2021 11:13:22

Dumb ass.. Yall white people are the racist ones gtfoh
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