Stranger Things 3 PARODY went downhill from the 1st minute
I honestly found the trailer worrying a few months from release, and sadly I was right. Season 1 and 2 are brilliant. I love this show. Season 3 unfortunately drop the ball astronomically. I found most of it predictable, cringeworthy, boring, unreal Russians being the ridiculous bad guys from like a cartoon sitcom. 80% of the dialog is pointless filler, there is no progression from season 2. We learn nothing new about the Upside down world, about Eleven.Over all it doesn't capture the essence of the original Season 1 and 2. Hugh Disappointment.
score 10/10
mesut0024 7 July 2019
Reprint: true is cringe but it make like something a bit useless but they try to make the understandably