Redeemed by its new season...
score 9/10I remember watching the first two seasons of this show. It was amazingly dramatic and addictive, 10/10 all the way. The next two seasons, however, I slowly began to back away from my weekly One Tree Hill. The show very simply got to be stupid. It was not only predictable and cheesy, but the clever quotes and chemistry between the characters seemed to disappear.
This was heart breaking to me! My show with deep meaning, great acting, and impeccable relevance to teenage drama was no longer there. Then, by chance, I flipped on the premiere of the fifth season, a fast forward of 4 years since the previous episode. It was AMAZING! This new season of OTH is better than the first two seasons. Maybe its so wonderful because it shows more adult situations as I have aged into adulthood, or maybe because the same witty humor and drama is back. Whatever it is, the new OTH has got it!
kclarkm504 23 March 2008
Reprint: I just love everything about this show.