There's no way it's all real...
This show is either 100% staged or mostly staged. There are people who reviewed the show online demonstrating moments where it was clearly actors who were participating in his tricks. The guy has claimed that he does not stage and they deliberately show as much video without cutaways as possible to emphasize that. But I don't buy it.The tricks are, for one, very entertaining. But some are highly highly unlikely to be real. Of course what he's doing are just a bunch of illusions and tricks, but some it just has to be fake or someone is in on it.
For example the one where he painted the graffiti at the end of ep.2 was like wtf??? How could he have done that without some sort of camera trick or knowing in advance what the guy would say? I spent time with my boyfriend thinking of ways that could be done (I love watching debunking videos on magic tricks and doing it myself for fun) and we were like maybe it's invisible ink or something. But they touched it and it was fresh paint (or so we think) and there is no way that could have been done in the spur of the moment.
The one where the kids drew on the private school uniform too seemed similarly staged. In general a lot of people didn't seem genuinely surprised and seems to be acting.
Obviously this is my belief as that of many others but if there is a slight chance he isn't staging them, in any way like he says, he's probably one of the best magicians I've ever seen. And damn are his tricks phenomenally good.
score 2/10
TheProteanGirl 30 August 2018