stefan_tk Publish time 31-3-2021 00:41:10

very good show.

I feel really sorry that this program stopped so suddenly.

This program is from what everyone else says REALLY awesome and should have kept going, no one ever gave a good explanation to why they think it stopped.

Lack of class is to me lack of expression from your side "mercutio_41". If you can't tell me what was wrong with it, your comment is quite useless. But since u are still watching it i wont hold grudge against you ;)

Nevertheless; good show, get it back going and i will keep watching as i did from start.

Good plot. Interesting characters. From what i understand a lot of people liked the show. why would people go and trash talk such a show..? Oh yeah, a sentence comes to mind; "people with lower than average intellect."

score 8/10

stefan_tk 12 June 2006

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