Review for Uppi2 (2015)
Uppi2 is a creative movie,which says nothing but which also says something and it can be everything. And it may not everything. Only #upendra can give such #confusing #fabulous # wonderful #thought which makes our brain to think... #thinking matters and may not matter's but surely there is some matter which can't be a matter. Finally saying Uppi2 a movie that every human being with dreams, selfishness,suppositions, thinking and all kind of feelings must watch the movie. Movie makes you to think & analyze the past, present, and future of life. Which time is important to life? Does it is past or present or future. What exactly life is? Who think he knows and says,he knows not but how think he knows not & says, he knows everything.score 10/10
gagandeepwanted 14 August 2015