Bizaaarrroooo, I love you, biiizzaarroo...
Cartoon Network's dedicated team of lunatics, misfits and stoners at Adult Swim take hold of a staid, stodgy ancient cartoon (SeaLab 2020) and move it one year on to where the crew are bored, listless, and borderline insane...Dodgy animation loops blend perfectly with edgy humour (Sparks: "Like veal. But with BABIES. I'm talkin' reaalll baby back ribs here...") and the show pokes fun at just about every cartoon standard.
Best of all is their take on the "evil twin" shtick, when the hideous mutant Bizarro versions of the crew show up. Simple yet genius - please let Adult Swim loose in the UK...
score /10
HarvSurf 8 February 2004