bravecape Publish time 21-3-2021 11:30:02


This show is so far from reality it makes me cringe. Just saw an episode where this couple in CA lost Everything. No money etc... They won a million dollars a little after that. So what happened...? The overly "enthusiastic" host just like in every episode asks the couple if they're going to spend the whole million on a home. So basically the couple had nothing, and not only is there Never any mention of taxes, but houses, whether they're pre bought or not were at the top of this couples "budget." So no savings! No reality of not actually having a million bones after taxes! The show is just plain Ridiculous. OK so i need to fill out more lines on this page in order for it to be submitted so here is filler. Also, it says i cant shout in my review. Wow!

score 3/10

bravecape 31 October 2016

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