schnoidl Publish time 18-3-2021 22:18:04


just watching a talk with Jodorowsky, and he always wants to make 12 hour films. How about somebody greenlight him to a TV series while he's still alive? but no, they keep gagging out jumbled hairballs like this. nothing but clichés, it could be from the 80s, just needs bigger hair. The blonde, her part shifts from shot to shot. This is the level of polish that defines it. Whoever is in charge of this…oh wait, it's Roberto Orci, the one everyone is disgusted at for his New Big Movie Job. now I understand why, but I also…how does this stuff keep finding daylight? that…I will never understand. Why work in television if you hate it so much? more lazy drug war porn, oh noes the bad guys, let's shoot some guns.

Really Hollywood, Jodorowsky. The man won't live forever.

score 1/10

schnoidl 19 August 2014

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