The movie was extremely dull compared to the book.
I personally think that a movie was very dull, and did not meet the standards that were set by the book. When making this movie I thought that left out many of the important details that were in the book, for example the importance of food which was hardly shown throughout the film.Not one of he recipes were ever said which just made Tita's work seem like mindless acts, and never showed the love that was put into creating each one of the meals.This made the movie seem choppy which made each scene that they showed very short and incomplete. Also it was hard to picture many of the parts because where they supposedly using magical realism just didn't work.By reading this book you geta much better sense of what their family lifestyle was like, and how important food actually was to the family, then watching it on film. After watching this movie i would definitely choose reading the book.score /10
donnact123 8 May 2002