Super cool film, fantastic soundtrack
I saw this film at the Cine Lumiere showing in October, and really loved it. It's not a film with a gripping plot or crazy twists, but rather an insight into the lives of a few people, mainly the main character. Quite long but I wouldn't say too long.My main love for this film comes with the soundtrack. Daft punk are played by a couple of french actors in the film, and there's a few of their songs on the soundtrack. If you're into garage/house music you're sorted - and even if you're not the music just goes so well with the way it's shot and the edgy vibe. Some absolute tunes like 'One More Time' played and really put me in a good mood!
Overall just thought a really cool film that leaves you feeling quite insightful, nostalgic almost, but definitely worth a watch.
score 8/10
lydiaricca 1 November 2014