frednorman-13727 Publish time 14-3-2021 11:27:03

I Shouldn't Be Alive

Superb program. As an experience outdoorsman (backpacking, kayaking, back country skiing, travel,to remote areas of Alaska/Yukon, Nevada, Northeen California, I am always aware how fate can quickly turn against you. I've done a couple of stupid things.

This series is so well done, they even find actors that bear a resemblance to the real persons they are personifying. I watch these as reruns all the time.

I have a few recommendations:

1. Take a screen shot of your route from Google Maps and text/email it to several good friends. Give them time/dates when you are expect to return. And tell them you will call/email/text them upon your return. Even it's a simple day hike, message someone with your route and the area you plan to be in.

2. If in a very remote area without cell phone coverage (like most of the Sierra Nevada), carry a sat phone or a less expensive alternative, the DeLorme Satellite Communicator that allows you to send an SOS message ( and text friends with your exact location.)

I hope they continue to make new episodes..

score 10/10

frednorman-13727 8 October 2016

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