Documentary that observes the fall of the Ceausescu regime from the inside.
This film shows the Romanian revolt against the Ceausescu regime and the occupation of the national television studios by the people of the country. It contains actual inside footage and replays of the broadcasts made by the leaders of the revolt. One of the most important aspects of the film is the importance that television and video played in the success of the revolution. I was a student of Mr. Farocki for a semester in 2002, and feel that a review by me would be unfairly biased. So, if anyone else has seen it, please submit your review. Two other documentaries I have seen by Mr. Farocki that stand out in my mind would be Images of the World and the Inscription of War, also, What we See (Wie man Sieht, I think).score 10/10
kellyh1 27 September 2005