Pretty entertaining...
I actually like the action part of this show more than the "romantic" aspect of it. I found the girl to be a bit annoying. With all the far more beautiful women that kept popping up on the show, I would have expected the lead woman to at least be more interesting and likable. She had high expectations of a guy who she really was only "dating" for two days. After finding out he was a special agent and using her, she expected everything to be back to normal afterward and didn't understand why he "left". There were just certain aspects of her character that just made cringe a little. I hope he runs off and leaves her at the end because she really is dragging down the show. I'm only on the tenth episode and getting close to my breaking point because of her character. I just don't see the chemistry between the two of them. Ick... Although, I'm continuing to watch the show because of the action and the bromance between the two guys. It's kinda cute...score 8/10
EDNesbitt 17 January 2018