safenoe Publish time 18-2-2021 02:32:06

Compelling legal drama with a special touch

One of the criticisms of Judge John Deed is its lack of realism, but look, Judge John Deed isn't a documentary. It's entertainment of course but all credit to creator G.F. Newman for using the series to explore social issues, and the power of the government, as well as corruption and cronyism amongst the elite.

It's a show where not all the good guys win, but some of the bad guys do unfortunately. Sure Judge Deed has some flaws in his relationships and love life but that doesn't stop him from seeking justice for the underprivileged and those who don't have the money and power to have a voice to stand up for themselves.

One thing that fascinated me was the guest house that Judge John Deed lodged in when hearing cases. I'd like to know more about the staff working in the lodge - the cooks, the cleaners, etc. These are the people who keep the guest house in order and keep their honors comfortable.

score 9/10

safenoe 4 November 2016

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