Wow!!! As they say, behind every great man is a great woman - or two or three.
I first read the book about two years ago, and loved the re-telling of the Legend of King Arthur from the female point-of-view.However, due to it's length, and detail, I doubted that it could be done on film.Boy, was I ever wrong!First, I must comment on the casting.I have always enjoyed Juliane Margulies in ER, and Angelica Huston in everything she has done, but they both eclipse their former work with the quality delivered here.There is a scene near the end of part one where they get into an argument, and the emotion is so RAW that I nearly called 911!Terrific!
Next, major cudo's to the set and design people.The costumes are well done and true to period (almost - it depends on whether you hold with Camelot being dated to the mid 400's AD or the 1400's AD).Next, the scene with Arthur & Morgaine at the Beltaine feast, where they are in costume and unaware of each other's identity, was very cleverly done.I liked the details on the wall of the chamber, and the markings on Juliana's face, arms, and legs.Nicely done.
All together, this is a fairly faithful reproduction of the book, and a story worth taking the time to watch.
score 10/10
VernonPope 16 July 2001