ladychiro Publish time 24-1-2021 11:22:03

Dept and humor

Wonderful TV series with depths and yet humor.

Actors are playing well and very different roles. They are so many guest appearances, sometimes for only seconds which keep viewers on their toes as it is easy to miss. Characters are well played and one can recognize a trait of herself/himself in each, making each even more real. I found this French series wonderfully refreshing as it gather many if not all aspect of the world of entertainment and only one working/living it can recognize and smile about it.

Sadly, translation does not do justice to this series which explain the poor comments from another reviewer.

It's too bad that there are only few seasons as I binged through the two first and cannot wait for the next to be Revealed.

score 10/10

ladychiro 12 November 2017

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