Currently Airing on Retro Television network
"The Virginian" TV series airs currently on Retro Television Network on Sunday mornings at 8A.M. EST and 9:30 A.M. EST. Check your cable or satellite guides for the RTN channel or the digital sub-channel of your local affiliate. Retro television network is a service for local channels to use on one of their digital sub-channels; as soon as a local channel adds the service then it can be added to a satellite or cable service lineup. This is a great series, each episode almost equal in quality to a 90 minute movie (minus commercial time of course.) If you're interested in seeing this series contact your local channels about adding the Retro television network as a digital sub-channel. if you've never seen this series you're in for a great treat, sure it's long, being 90 minutes, there were only 3 90 minute westerns on TV over the years and this is by far the best. Wagon Train is a close second, and that also air son RTN, Sundays at Noon EST.score /10
bozey45 8 February 2009