Death didn't come soon enough
The book was an anachronistic festival of weak plot turns and loose ends, that the movie could have tightened up and made into a compelling story. The locations are gorgeous and the pacing has that deliberate BBC period drama feel. But that's about all that's good.Darcy has regressed into WORSE than the beginning of P&P - an overbearing, bull-headed cuss with no regard for the feelings of his sister or wife.
Col. Fitzwilliam as the baddie? Puh-leaze.
In 5 years, Elizabeth has apparently aged into a nagging, care-worn fishwife. She is haggard and tired. Her dresses are dowdy. She was awful and I REALLY LIKE this actress.
And in all this mess, Wickham and Lydia emerge as the likable characters? I mean, Matthew Goode would be sultry and delicious playing a bridge troll. But the mis-casting is really obvious here.
Overall a swing and a miss. Watch it with no sound and just make up your own dialogue. It will be better. I promise.
score 3/10
joesgirljeri 21 October 2015