Comparing to Zena is harsh
Fall guy was a show with mediocre acting, sometimes cheesy plots, and yes, much appeal was the scantily dressed women.But I liked it.And I did not at all like Zena.I think there is a major difference that has not been addressed.Even though most of these episodes of Fall Guy were kinda cheesy, they had a morality factor that is lacking in most shows now. These guys were usually trying to get the bad guy, help the good guy, and survive themselves.I would like to think that was a large part of the appeal. And the fact that who was good and bad was very obvious was also a big part of it.It made the destruction, violence, and hot women all the better.Zena of the 80's?...Thats a little rough.Ok, thats my 2 cents.DC
score /10
davidcarr 14 August 2001