- BIG PIECE OF SHIT (0Replies)
- Walker (0Replies)
- excellent! (1Replies)
- Guilty Pleasure (1Replies)
- pretty good (0Replies)
- I got say this anime is really nice (0Replies)
- devastating ending (0Replies)
- trash (0Replies)
- wooooo! yeah baby thats what ive been waiting for, thats what its all about! woooo! (1Replies)
- The Whole squid game season 1 (0Replies)
- Up there with Friends, Northern Exposure,.... (1Replies)
- Great show except Frankie (1Replies)
- feiends (0Replies)
- when (0Replies)
- this ain't politics.... (0Replies)
- I miss Klaus (0Replies)
- Ridiculous! (2Replies)
- glorifying thugs! (0Replies)
- Good series but wrong title (0Replies)
- A lot of gaps and lies. (0Replies)