- Not Good (0Replies)
- Cute! (0Replies)
- Disappointed Parent (0Replies)
- Home: AwTaO (0Replies)
- Crazy hilarious (0Replies)
- Unwatchable (0Replies)
- One of my faves (0Replies)
- good show (0Replies)
- Better than the movie (0Replies)
- Reminds me of Adventure Time (0Replies)
- Great show (0Replies)
- Hilarious (0Replies)
- Tried too hard to be funny (0Replies)
- funny and clever without taking itself serously (0Replies)
- The Best! (0Replies)
- Awesome Show (0Replies)
- Disappointed (0Replies)
- Good anime and story (0Replies)
- A classic relived with mastery. (0Replies)
- Nostalgia 100% (0Replies)