- What is that? Is it a joke? (1Replies)
- Definitely worth watching (0Replies)
- Trailer (1Replies)
- 6/10 (0Replies)
- they butchered a could have been an incredible show into utter garbage. (2Replies)
- It's a total no no (3Replies)
- Just bad (2Replies)
- people who dont understand the hype-....you guys are so pity... (0Replies)
- eh (0Replies)
- Good show . . . except for a few small details. (0Replies)
- A HORRIBLE throw-back to the worst 1960s US TV-formulas (0Replies)
- Extraordinary little wonder show. (0Replies)
- Man this show scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. (0Replies)
- Small Blunder (0Replies)
- One Of The Worst Comedies (0Replies)
- Everything that was wrong with 80's comedy. (0Replies)
- A contender, by USA Today, as one of the worst shows in history (0Replies)
- dope show (0Replies)
- Great Fun! (0Replies)
- Unmitigated horror. (0Replies)