- Highly enjoyable! (0Replies)
- Beautiful, Simple sweet (0Replies)
- ilike that movie....i mean....sebastian was graleat in it hot and....oh my god he's great in every movie that play (0Replies)
- incredible!! (0Replies)
- Enjoyable (0Replies)
- Falling in love with a love story (0Replies)
- Honest and complex (0Replies)
- incredible acting performance (0Replies)
- I love this movie in my opinion (0Replies)
- I couldn't suspend disbelief enough to buy him hooking up with her (0Replies)
- Up on fridays and a downs on Monday. (0Replies)
- Beautiful indie film with 2 outstanding lead actors. (0Replies)
- Good (0Replies)
- loved it! (0Replies)
- Honest, Real with Award Worthy Performances (0Replies)
- 4/10 (0Replies)
- Great movie (0Replies)
- Strong (0Replies)
- Damn...it was hard and painful to watch (0Replies)
- Loved it (0Replies)