- Next time a true portrayal? (0Replies)
- Fur: A movie that has nothing to do with the life of Diane Arbus (0Replies)
- Artists Taking Risks (0Replies)
- Roma Film Festival - Fur: Kidman meets Chewbacca (0Replies)
- visually spectacular and audacious (0Replies)
- Atrocious waste (0Replies)
- Maybe it is just me (0Replies)
- Whets the appetite for a film about the real Diane Arbus (0Replies)
- Visually stunning (0Replies)
- Fur - A Shaggy Romantic Fantasy (0Replies)
- Through the looking-glass (0Replies)
- Every picture tells a story. (0Replies)
- It touched me deeply (0Replies)
- A " Must See Again" Film (0Replies)
- Imaginary and Beautiful (0Replies)
- sleepy time (0Replies)
- Hmm.. (0Replies)
- Great SF if you turn off before the last minute (0Replies)
- Not all bad but don't delivers (0Replies)
- what kind of film did I just see? (0Replies)