- Possibly the greatest character study ever made on film (0Replies)
- Gallo-Roman Catholic (0Replies)
- sublime (0Replies)
- Diary of a Country Priest (0Replies)
- Depressive, Human and Impressive (0Replies)
- Fight to keep faith (0Replies)
- How to do a religious film without mentioning God. (0Replies)
- it's hard to be a saint in the country (0Replies)
- profound experience (0Replies)
- Faith in the midst of tribulation (0Replies)
- Purity that clings to self (0Replies)
- "God is not a torturer;He wants us to love another." (0Replies)
- Pretty much perfect. (0Replies)
- Doubt of the soul (0Replies)
- Excellent (0Replies)
- Most Unique Film (0Replies)
- The kind of integrity and faith so strong and real, it frightens even the church (0Replies)
- Seraphita (0Replies)
- A rewarding experience (0Replies)
- great musical ,year before the madness (0Replies)